Sunday, July 1, 2012

a dinner party

We have been dinner party dreaming! 
The other day I came across a newspaper article called 'A Toast to the Dinner Party'. It was a beautiful piece of writing about the history and importance of dinner parties. Immanuel Kant, the 18th-century German Philosopher and keen host, believed the dinner party was 'a vital forum for the stimulation of the self and society'. Recently I have been spending time with incredibly articulate and interesting group of sculptors. I decided to take Kant's social dining beliefs very seriously as he felt that dinner parties were 'medicine for the mind', and as a result of this host a dinner party. 

I began to research recipes, meals that I could prepare hours before and enough to feed the twelve guests. I settled on a four mushroom risotto and roasting every root vegetable under the sun with bulbs of garlic and rosemary. I made an array of starters including papaya wrapped in prosciutto and chickpeas cooked with chorizo and lemon rind. The morning of the dinner party I went to the french bakery near my house and brought some fresh warm sourdough (NB: when walking to the bakery don't forget to pick a as many flowers as possible from sleeping neighbors! and don't forget to buy hundreds of tea candles) 

PS: Whilst preparing the house and menu don't let your outfit and accessories slip your mind. Keep it simple and classic!

Here are some photographs from my dinner party 
Hope you enjoy!